We focus on the best one gallon perennials your money can buy. From our founding days of growing and selling our plants at farmer’s markets in the late ‘90’s, we’ve built a deep and exciting repertoire of perennial varieties. We start with tried and true varieties including Dicentra spectabilis, Hosta ‘Francee’, Rudbeckia ‘Goldsturm’, and Iris ‘Caesar’s Brother’, layer in some Tiarella ‘Running Tapestry’, Dianthus ‘Fire’ series, and ‘Camelot’ Digitalis, and top it off with new arrivals like Astilbe ‘Lowlands White’, Allium ‘Millenium’, and Echinacea ‘Sombrero Salsa Red’. We plant a ton of early varieties in the late summer and fall, so they are chunky for the spring season. Virtually all of our plants are outdoor-grown. Many of them spend the winter outside under a felt blanket, and come up on their own time in the spring. Sea breezes off the cool Long Island Sound act like a natural growth regulator, keeping our plants stocky and full. Owing to our small twelve acre footprint, we often crop varieties, so plants are always fresh, and don’t overgrow in the pot.


Wilder Color summer annuals and perennials burst onto the scene in 2016, and we’ve been growing and honing this offering ever since. Round true-quart annuals and perennials form the backbone of this program. Starting in late May, we crop the annuals every two weeks, and add varieties as the summer progresses. By the time August rolls around, we’ve got a delicious stew going, with up to 200 varieties on the weekly availability. As summer rolls into fall, we roll out our blackout mums, asters and montauks, for a taste of fall color in late August. Perennials join the fun here with a rainbow of Heucheras, several varieties of showy ferns, and some Coreopsis, and dwarf Rudbeckias too. We augment the 4.5” offerings with 9” crops of Sunflowers, Celosia, Marigolds and Zinnias. Wilder Color works hand in hand with our summer perennial list, providing a splendid selection for the garden center bench!


Deb Phillips, our dedicated road salesperson, brought us the Wilder herb program in the Spring of 2012. Thanks to Deb’s world of expertise, we offer a selection of over fifty of the finest culinary herbs and vines. All herbs, and sources for herbs, are not created equally, and we’ve chosen the best. Vegetative varieties including Mint ‘Kentucky Colonel’, Sage ‘Berggarten’, Bay Laurel, and Rosemary ‘Tuscan Blue’ provide superior habit and flavor. Additionally, we select the best seed varieties: Cilantro ‘Calypso’, Parsley ‘Giant of Italy’, and the stellar new downy mildew-resistant Basil, Johnny’s ‘Prospera Compact’. We augment this Wilder list with a fine compliment of groundcovers including Pachysandra ‘Green Sheen’, Vinca ‘Bowles’, and several shades of creeping thyme. In Spring of 2020, as Covid-19 reared its ugly head, we added a slew of Wilder Veggies to help satiate the newfound demand for food crops. Today we offer sixty varieties of cool and warm-season veggies in 3.5” pots. Tomatoes and peppers rule the roost here, but there’s lots of room for cukes, squash, and the wonderous kales and lettuces of the cool-season as well. Veggie season ends quickly with the onset of Memorial Day, but we carry several of our herbs right into the early fall to compliment our summer color crops.